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Juli 2016

Un Passaggio Musicale

24. Juli 2016 | 20:00
Stift Reichersberg, Reichersberg, 4981 + Google Karte

Ein virtuoser Ausflug ins Italien des 17. Jahrhunderts. Werke von D,Castello, M.Cesare, C. da Rore, G.Bassano, G.A.Pandolfi u.a.

Andrea Guttmann - Blockflöte,
Matthijs Lunenburg - Blockflöte und Zink,
Stefan Konzett - Posaune,
Christoph Urbanetz - Gambe,
Bernhard Prammer - Orgel und Cembalo

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November 2016

Das musikalische Erbe der Wasa und Habsburger

4. November 2016 | 19:30

Vokalensemble Canto Fiorito, Vilnius
Musica Antiqua Salzburg
Leitung: Rodrigo Calveyra

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Das musikalische Erbe der Wasa und Habsburger

5. November 2016 | 19:30

Vokalensemble Canto Fiorito, Vilnius
Musica Antiqua Salzburg
Leitung: Rodrigo Calveyra

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Das musikalische Erbe der Wasa und Habsburger

6. November 2016 | 20:00
Kirche Hl. Elisabeth, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenien + Google Karte

Vokalensemble Canto Fiorito, Vilnius
Musica Antiqua Salzburg
Leitung: Rodrigo Calveyra

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November 2017

anima e passione – Viva Monteverdi

11. November 2017 | 19:30
Bürgerspitalskirche, Hallein, Österreich + Google Karte

Musica Antiqua Salzburg und der Tenor Bernd Lambauer würdigen den großen italienischen Meister und „Vater der Oper“ mit einem Programm zu seinem 450. Geburtstag. Claudio Monteverdis Wahrnehmung und Würdigung vor allem als Musikdramatiker ist in Bezug auf jede seiner Kompositionen - nicht nur seine Opern - anwendbar: Seine Musik ist zweifelsohne stets voll von Gefühl, Drama und Leidenschaft. Oft bestimmt dies bereits der Inhalt des Stücks - vielfach geht es um Liebe und Sehnsucht. So auch in den Stücken aus…

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Mai 2018

The Hanseatic Way – Canto Fiorito&Musica Antiqua Salzburg

18. Mai 2018 | 20:00
Kaunas, Kaunas, Lithauen + Google Karte

Via a widely known historical phenomena of the Hanseatic League, this project aims to raise the interest of the contemporary society in a shared European cultural heritage and attract new early music audiences, especially children and youth. A specially created concert program represents composers from each Hansa country chronologically, in a simulated journey through space and time – XVI-XVII centuries, which were the most significant times in the activities of the League. The programme includes widely known composers like Hyeronimus…

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Juni 2018

The Hanseatic Way – Canto Fiorito & Musica Antiqua Salzburg

21. Juni 2018 | 17:00

Via a widely known historical phenomena of the Hanseatic League, this project aims to raise the interest of the contemporary society in a shared European cultural heritage and attract new early music audiences, especially children and youth. A specially created concert program represents composers from each Hansa country chronologically, in a simulated journey through space and time - XVI-XVII centuries, which were the most significant times in the activities of the League. The programme includes widely known composers like Hyeronimus…

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Juli 2018

The Hanseatic Way – Canto Fiorito & Musica Antiqua Salzburg

13. Juli 2018 | 20:00
Tartu, Tartu, Estland + Google Karte

Via a widely known historical phenomena of the Hanseatic League, this project aims to raise the interest of the contemporary society in a shared European cultural heritage and attract new early music audiences, especially children and youth. A specially created concert program represents composers from each Hansa country chronologically, in a simulated journey through space and time - XVI-XVII centuries, which were the most significant times in the activities of the League. The programme includes widely known composers like Hyeronimus…

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November 2018

The Hanseatic Way – Canto Fiorito & Musica Antiqua Salzburg

4. November 2018 | 19:30
Brighton – St Martin’s Church, Bgighton, Großbritannien (Vereinigtes Königreich) + Google Karte

Via a widely known historical phenomena of the Hanseatic League, this project aims to raise the interest of the contemporary society in a shared European cultural heritage and attract new early music audiences, especially children and youth. A specially created concert program represents composers from each Hansa country chronologically, in a simulated journey through space and time - XVI-XVII centuries, which were the most significant times in the activities of the League. The programme includes widely known composers like Hyeronimus…

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The Hanseatic Way – Canto Fiorito & Musica Antiqua Salzburg

25. November 2018 | 19:30
Riga, Lettland + Google Karte

Via a widely known historical phenomena of the Hanseatic League, this project aims to raise the interest of the contemporary society in a shared European cultural heritage and attract new early music audiences, especially children and youth. A specially created concert program represents composers from each Hansa country chronologically, in a simulated journey through space and time - XVI-XVII centuries, which were the most significant times in the activities of the League. The programme includes widely known composers like Hyeronimus…

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